Third NAFE Workshop
8:20 ?8:30 Welcome (Jeff Walker) 8:30 ?9:00 Overview of NAFE?5 (Rocco Panciera) 9:00 ?9:30 Overview of NAFE?6 (Olivier Merlin) 9:30 ?10:00 OzNet Stations (Rodger Young) 10:00 ?10:30 NAFE Stations (Olivier Merlin)
10:30 ?11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 ?11:30 HydraProbe Calibration (Olivier Merlin) 11:30 ?12:00 HydraProbe Data (Rocco Panciera) 12:00 ?12:30 Vegetation Data (Peggy O’Neil)
12:30 ?1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 ?2:00 Other Data (Rocco Panciera) 2:00 ?2:30 Kyeamba Creek Data (Greg Summerell) 2:30 ?3:00 Yenda Data (John Hornbuckle)
3:00 ?3:30 Coffee Break
3:30 ?4:00 Airborne NDVI, Photos and Lidar (Jorg Hacker 4:00 ?4:30 PLMR and TIR Data (Jeff Walker) 4:30 ?4:45 Satellite Data Part 1 (Olivier Merlin) 4:45 ?5:00 Satellite Data Part 2 (Tom Jackson)
8:45 ?9:00 Welcome and Overview (Jeff Walker)
9:00 ?10:15 Session 1: Science presentations 9:00-9:25 Assessment of sun-glint effects on PLMR measurements over land and water during NAFE campaigns (Philippe Masiongrande) 9:25-9:50 Vegetation water content estimation using LandSat observations (Tom Jackson) 9:50-10:15 Soil temperature retrieval using multi-sensor data (Paul O’Neill)
10:15 ?10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 ?12:25 Session 2: Science presentations 10:45-11:10 L-band soil moisture retrieval at different spatial scales: from satellite to paddock scale (Rocco Panciera) 11:10-11:35 Synergy of L-band and optical data for soil moisture monitoring (Olivier Merlin) 11:35-12:00 Assessment of potential AMSR-E soil moisture disaggregation using scatterometer observations (Venkat Lakshmi) 12:00-12:25 How well does AMSR-E data represent soil moisture over Australia? (Clara Draper)
12:25 ?1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 ?3:10 Session 3: Science presentations 1:30-1:55 Backpropagation Neural Network for soil moisture retrieval using NAFE?5 data: A comparison of different training algorithms (Soo See Chai) 1:55-2:20 Towards water balance modelling in the Kyeamba Creek catchment (Greg Summerell) 2:20-2:45 An initial investigation into the potential and limitations of high resolution PLMR and thermal image data for assisting irrigation scheduling in high value horticulture crops (John Hornbuckle) 2:45-3:10 Modelling of actual crop water consumption using airborne and optical-thermal satellite data over the Murrumbidgee catchment (Mohsin Hafeez)
3:10 ?3:40 Coffee Break
3:40 ?4:30 Session 4: Science presentations 3:40-4:05 Comparison between soil moisture geographic patterns and SPOT vegetation spectral indices (Philippe Masiongrande) 4:05-4:30 The ESA CoSMOS study for the validation of the SMOS L2 algorithm (Philippe Masiongrande) 4:30 ?5:00 Closing Discussion
Name | Organisation |
Tony Bernardi | Department of Primary Industries |
Soo See Chai | Curtin University |
Remy Dehan | Charles Sturt University |
Clara Draper | University of Melbourne |
Jiao Feng | University of Melbourne |
Jorg Hacker | Flinders University/ARA |
Moshin Hafeez | CSIRO Land and Water |
John Hornbuckle | CSIRO Land and Water |
Tom Jackson | USDA ARS |
Vadim Kuzmin | University of Melbourne |
Venkat Lakshmi | University of South Carolina |
Philippe Maisongrande | CESBIO/CNES |
Olivier Merlin | University of Melbourne |
Paul O'Neill | Charles Sturt University |
Peggy O'Neill | NASA GSFC |
Rocco Pamciera | University of Melbourne |
Robert Pipunic | University of Melbourne |
Walter Rawls | USDA ARS |
Vic Shoemark | Department of Primary Industries |
Greg Summerell | Department of Natural Resources |
Jeffrey Walker | University of Melbourne |
Rodger Young | University of Melbourne |
Created: October 2007 Last Modified: October 2007 Maintainer: Jeffrey Walker,
This page, its contents and style, are the responsibility of the author and do not represent the views, policies or opinions of Monash University.